Health, Safety and Risk Management

Health, Safety and Risk Management

RiverRidge is a leading independent waste management company operating in Northern Ireland. The company has undergone substantial investment over the past number of years which has transformed it from a small skip hire and landfill business to the fully integrated waste recovery operation it is today.

Health, Safety and Risk Management are integral components to the success of the company and the organisation focuses on continuing to excel and improve in the following areas of operation:

  • Rigorous Internal auditing process – the company has a substantial number of trained internal auditors across all sites and are trained to the ISO9001:2015, ISO14001:2015 and ISO45001:2018 standards to ensure that all areas of safety, fire prevention and risk management are regularly checked and improved.
  • Detailed Document control system– all forms/ procedures and policies are document controlled for full traceability and regularly reviewed and enhanced.
  • Comprehensive Company Inductions – employee/contractor/visitor inductions are all completed electronically as and when required and cover all relevant health, safety, fire risk and environmental information.
  • Robust Training System in place – employees’ training needs are identified, training records all maintained, and training scheduled relevant to the individuals requirements.
  • Feedback loops/Traceability – the company has invested heavily in software across all of its functions to ensure all risk management and other operational data is available for reference, benchmarking, learning and all data is fully traceable.
  • Site Security – site security is stringent across all sites and an external security company monitors all sites 24/7 including alarms and CCTV.
  • Rigid Contractor Management Process – the company have a substantial number of contractors/subcontractors hence we recognise the importance of managing all our contractors via a detailed and proactive Safe Contractor Management process.
  • External Accreditation with highly reputable organisation – the company is audited by British Standards Institution, which is a global certification company with rigorous auditing standards.
  • Business Continuity Plan – a detailed business continuity document is in place which highlights how the business will continue operating during an unplanned disruption in service. It’s more comprehensive than a disaster recovery plan and contains contingencies for business processes, assets, human resources and business partners – every aspect of the business that might be affected.
  • Safety Culture – the company has an excellent safety culture which is promoted by the senior management’s commitment to safety, realistic practices for handling hazards, continuous organisational learning, and care and concern for hazards are shared across the workforce.
  • Risk Assessments – the company has detailed risk assessments for all tasks/processes, which clearly identify the significant hazards, the risk of someone being harmed and deciding what further control measures we must take to reduce the risk to an acceptable level.
  • Leading by example – the Board/Senior Management proactively promote health, safety, and risk management processes/systems, they take personal and collective ownership of this which in turn positively raises profile and engagement of colleagues across RiverRidge.



Please find a more detailed approach to the Health, Safety and Risk Managment here in addition to our Covid19 Good Practice Document and the Visitor and Contractor policy.