Full Circle Generation

The gasification plant is situated within Belfast’s Harbour Estate and is capable of recovering energy from 160,000mt of Refuse Derived Fuel each year.

The development was designed to provide Bombardier, one of Northern Ireland’s largest employers and exporters, with a reliable and predictable source of energy. Costing £107m, the facility was financed through a pure equity structure involving Green Investment Bank, Equitix and P3P Partners. The plant is Northern Ireland’s first large scale waste to energy facility.

Having access to a locally based point of energy recovery allows RiverRidge to offer its customers an even higher level of confidence that its waste is being treated in an environmentally sound manner and with the smallest possible carbon footprint.

For more details on the facility, check out our latest brochure on FCG or to discuss how your organisations waste can be engineered into a waste derived fuel please email the company on info@riverridge.co.uk.