City Hotel, Derry

Business Name:
City Hotel, Derry

Nature of Business:

How long has RiverRidge work with your business:
5 years

How much waste does your business produce on a weekly basis?
1.2 tonne of food waste per week
150kgs of glass
500kgs Dry mixed recycling per week
750kgs of cardboard per week

What waste does RiverRidge help your business manage?
Glass which gets recycled, plastic and cardboard which we get a rebate for, general waste which we separate and they recycle and food waste which is made into garden compost

How has RiverRidge helped your business?
By working with RiverRidge we have won a number of awards, the Green Tourism Gold Awards, the coveted Green Tourism Gold Star Award in 2014, the Zero Waste Award, the Green Leaders Platinum (Trip Advisor), and the UTV Business Eye Award Waste Reduction of the Year 2013. We were also runners up in the following awards for excellence, Sustainable Tourism Award NITB and Eco Hotel of the Year 2015

Why have you chosen RiverRidge?
As members of the Green Tourism business scheme, it’s important to manage our business in the most sustainable way possible. We wanted to avoid sending our waste to landfill and with RiverRidge we had that option. By separating our waste with different bins in our work areas, it allowed us to monitor the different types of waste we produced. We carried out training with all our staff and were successful in reducing the amount of waste we produced. RiverRidge offered us clear signage for our bins and offer training if needed.

With regular collections and compact bins our waste is neatly stored, avoiding the need for a larger storage area. With a rebated system for cardboard and plastic this has not just given us some revenue but reduced the cost of waste.

Together we have been able to reduce the cost of our waste and protect our planet at the same time.