£45,000 delivery for NI Children’s Hospice from RiverRidge

FOUR years of fundraising by RiverRidge, Northern Ireland’s leading waste management company, has resulted in more than £45,000 being donated to the very worthy Northern Ireland Children’s Hospice.

Northern Ireland Children’s Hospice is the only service of its type in Northern Ireland and four years after the decision to concentrate all charitable efforts in support of their much-needed work, RiverRidge is more committed than ever to supporting a charity whose services they have witnessed first-hand.

Brett Ross, CEO of RiverRidge said, “We are very proud to be able to make a significant contribution to this charity and its wonderful work for children and families throughout Northern Ireland.

“Over the years we have seen NI Children’s Hospice at work first hand and were blown away by the support and advice available to people in their most difficult times.  There are over 1,300 life-limited children and young people in Northern Ireland who, along with their families, require the specialist care and support that only this organisation can provide.”

Chris Fillis, from RiverRidge’s Charity Committee continued; “Our Charity Committee has worked hard to make a great success of our fundraising efforts for NI Children’s Hospice. As time goes on and we witness first-hand the invaluable services available through the Hospice it cements our commitment to doing what we can for those that find themselves in need of the NI Children’s Hospice services.”

RiverRidge has dedicated all its charitable efforts to Northern Ireland Children’s Hospice since 2015 and has successfully raised over £45,000 through organising various events, including a film premiere evening, raffles, an annual Christmas jumper office day and several charity golf days.

Brett added; “This significant donation to NI Children’s Hospice would not be possible without the support from our corporate partners, suppliers and the many businesses of Northern Ireland associated with RiverRidge.  We are blown away by the generosity shown from the business community here.”

Jonathan Lamberton, Corporate Engagement Executive at Northern Ireland Children’s Hospice, commented, “I want to say a huge thank you to the team at RiverRidge for their continued support over the last number of years. This amazing donation will help the Hospice to continue to provide specialist palliative care to children across Northern Ireland living with life-limiting and terminal illnesses.