RiverRidge Recognises NI’s Emergency Services Person of the Year at Road Safety Awards

Leading waste and resource management company, RiverRidge has continued its support of the Northern Ireland Road Safety Awards for the second consecutive year, once again sponsoring the ‘Emergency Services Person’ category.

Organised by charity Road Safe NI, in conjunction with CRASH Services, the awards, which celebrated their ninth year, recognise individuals and organisations that are helping to improve road safety in their communities.

The Emergency Services Person award recognises an individual that has gone over and above the call of duty for their involvement in any road safety initiative. This year’s award went to Northern Ireland Ambulance Service’s (NIAS), John Amos, who “has been a huge advocate for road safety and has actively promoted this in his professional capacity and also while participating in the PSNI Road Safe Road Show.”

Judges for the awards, which were held on Friday 17th November at Cultra Manor, Holywood, recognised that as a training officer within the NIAS, John consistently promoted a positive road safety message for emergency drivers. He has also attended many road traffic collisions where he has undoubtedly saved many lives.

As a member of the Road Safe Road Show, John used his experience to educate young people on the consequences of poor decisions and behaviour, his vivid description of what it is like for him to deal with these types of incidents, places the young people right there at the scene, with many commenting that his passion and delivery made the event seem so real without them actually being in danger.

While it is impossible to quantify how many people are alive because of John’s passionate delivery, there is no doubt that having delivered his message to thousands of young people over a period of 15 years, has had a positive impact on their road safety behaviour.

Presenting the award to John Amos was Cara O’Kane, Financial Director at RiverRidge. Cara said, “Hearing about the work that John has done throughout his career makes me very proud to be presenting this award to him today. His selfless actions have no doubt, positively impacted many road users and for that, he must be commended. I thank John for his dedication to road safety and congratulate him on the fantastic work that he has achieved.”

Chairman of Road Safe NI, David Jackson, said, “Congratulations to John on this great achievement today, and the work that he has achieved throughout his career. He really is one of Northern Ireland’s Road Safety Champions. It is through the work that John and his peers do, day in and day out, that make other people stop and think about their actions when on our roads. For John to go out and deliver his message time and time again, repeatedly reliving the situations, must place him under immense mental pressure, but he carries on regardless and through his passion, he has helped save many lives. Well done, John, and please continue the fantastic work that you do.”